Friday, October 25, 2013

Pray the Gay Away

"Pray the gay away," (said sarcastically).
One of the most ignorant phrases I've heard uttered from reporters/news commenters, and I've heard them utter many.
If you don't understand how prayer works; who God is; or His omnipotent power, then be quiet--be VERY quiet and watch God work. If you don't understand something, open a book--in this case, the Bible, and read about it. Nowhere in there does it say "Pray the gay away."

What it does say is that we all have a CROSS to bear.
What it does say is that we have to DENY ourselves (meaning our fleshly desires) in order to walk with Christ.
What it does say is that if we pray to the Almighty God He will give us strength.
What it does say is that He will NEVER leave nor forsake us.
What it does say is that in this life we MUST endure Sufferings.

Unfortunately for some, "gay" or "homosexual tendencies" are such sufferings. What do believers do with their sufferings? They endure. How do they endure? They seek help from God. They take it to God in prayer. Does it mean you will be free of this desire? Maybe. But for most they may still have the desire, but that sin no longer have power over them. They are able to not only control their sinful thoughts, but in turn control the desires and NOT act upon them.
For some, sinful desire (of any kind) is a means of bringing them closer to God, by seeking Him constantly for strength. It's also a means for God to display His miraculous nature in their lives. It is a means of showing God we will be obedient to His Word. It is a means of building our faith and strength.
Now if you want to call it "Pray the gay away," then go ahead and do so. But don't you dare do it sarcastically if you don't know the power of prayer, the path the believer must take or the power of the One to whom the prayer is being offered. Stop spewing garbage out of your mouth before God spews you out of His!

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